News & Alerts
In today’s fast-paced financial environment, it can be hard to know who and what information to trust. Because we’re dedicated to being Present for You, we’ve provided this financial news center for you to search through and read. Stay up to date on financial trends, fraud alerts, and more.
The Cost of Refinance
The short answer is . . . not a dime. If you are looking to refinance a vehicle loan, you shouldn’t ever pay a lender fee or additional interest. But there are other things you must consider. Some lenders will extend the term of your loan in order to get the...
By Hook And By Crook. Top Scams Targeting Seniors, And How To Help Protect Against Them
It’s a sad reality that our older citizens, those most unfamiliar with online scams, can be easily victimized. The FBI’s IC3 (Internet Crime Complaint Center) 2021 Elder Fraud Report puts a spotlight on some of the most common scams used against those aged 60 and...
Mobile Banking – What You Need to Know
The Top 4 Mobile Banking Risks Manipulated texts and calls claiming to be from your credit union Phishing links in emails and fake fraud alerts Physical phone theft and hacking Fake mobile banking apps 1. Manipulated Texts and Calls Claiming to be from Your Credit...
Text and Phone Scams Never Die
It’s been a while since cybercrime made it into the mainstream way of life. By now, we’ve heard many times that cybercrime evolves and adapts to always try and catch us off guard and fall for whatever the latest scam may be. Well, while that is indeed true,...
Email Scams Threaten Extortion And Blackmail
An uptick in email scams has cybersecurity professionals concerned, and for good reason. Symantec researchers found that in the first five months of 2019, they prevented almost 300 million extortion email attacks from going forward. Just some of those discovered...
Credit Score: A Quick Review
Good credit vs. bad credit. While you might hear about the difference between a good credit score and a not so good credit score, what do the terms "good credit" and "bad credit" really mean? Since good and bad can be subjective, how do you know where your score...
Keep Your Information Safe While Traveling
With the holidays quickly approaching, you may be planning on traveling to see family and friends. In between booking your flights and shopping for the perfect gifts, make sure you protect yourself from fraud and identity theft. A few simple cyber security measures...
Keep Your Information Safe While Traveling
With the holidays quickly approaching, you may be planning on traveling to see family and friends. In between booking your flights and shopping for the perfect gifts, make sure you protect yourself from fraud and identity theft. A few simple cyber security measures...
Preparing for Retirement
"The average American between the ages of 35 and 44 has just over $22,000 dollars saved for retirement. For people who are entering their prime earning years, this is far too low." If you want to retire at age 65 and live on $50,000 a year, you’ll need about 15 times...
5 Tips to Protect Your Passwords
"We live in a world where a mix of letters, numbers and special characters makes a huge difference in whether you can access personal information, keep in touch with friends and family or simply shop online." While it may be tempting to choose a password, you can...
Top 10 Scams of 2020
6 scams to avoid in 2020 Job Fraud Crooks find potential victims using online search tools to look for resumes of job seekers using an email or a professional job site. You may be contacted about what sounds like a job of a lifetime and even given a check to cover...
Top 10 Scams of 2020
6 scams to avoid in 2020 Job Fraud Crooks find potential victims using online search tools to look for resumes of job seekers using an email or a professional job site. You may be contacted about what sounds like a job of a lifetime and even given a check to cover...
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Complex Community Federal Credit Union
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APY = Annual Percentage Yield

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